Case Studies

Examples of clients improving their business with RecordBoss
Handles 98% of billing forms
Situation: During a general presentation for RecordBoss functions and features, a senior paralegal from one of the nations largest plaintiff law firms recognized that RecordBoss could identify medical billing codes. After the presentation she reached out to our development team to see if we could…
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Nation’s largest plaintiff law firm “Home Run!”
Situation: The managing partner of the mass tort group inside the nation's largest plaintiff law firm approached us with the idea of using RecordBoss to expedite and streamline the workflow for their medical record review. The client had approximately 2,500 files for the weed killer…
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Law firm increases efficiency and reduces costs.
Company Overview: A nationwide law firm that represents plaintiffs and defendants in a variety of large, complex cases focused on harm caused to individuals financially or physically.   Situation: A senior associate and longtime client used our nurse review team to do merit reviews on…
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