Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know right here at your fingertips


Where can I get more information about pricing?

Please contact a member of the product team to inquire about pricing.

What technology does RecordBoss use?

RecordBoss uses a customized process that leverages 3rd party technologies in conjunction with our own development. This multilayered solution ensures we get the best results and have since filed for patents to protect our investment.

Is RecordBoss secure?

Yes. RecordBoss adheres to all data security requirements in accordance with HIPAA and has an SSL Data Security check grade of A+.

Does RecordBoss have an API?

Yes. RecordBoss has an API that allows you to submit record orders and complete all the functions you see throughout the website if you want to integrate features of RecordBoss into the existing software.

Does RecordBoss only work with PDF files?

No. RecordBoss uploads can be PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG files and Microsoft Word documents. Microsoft Word documents and JPG, JPEG, PNG files will be converted to PDF after upload to enable bookmarking and annotations

Can RecordBoss process files and create bookmarks for search terms and not include highlights on the document?

Yes. RecordBoss is able to bookmark keywords in a file and not highlight the term on the page.

How long are files stored on RecordBoss?

Uploaded files are available for 90 days. Files can be stored for a longer or shorter time period depending on the user’s needs.

Can I use multiple search terms/groups on the same file?

Yes. RecordBoss can search for multiple data sets at the same time. For instance if you wanted to identify all dates in the document as well as a specific search group, RecordBoss can identify everything in one search.