Better data, better identification, better results!

The industry’s best text extraction, best OCR, and ICR creation create endless efficiency opportunities for you and your organization.

How RecordBoss Works

RecordBoss uses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to accurately capture unstructured text and handwriting and convert it to the highest-quality OCR and ICR available in the market.

Medical Record Review

The power to confidently identify and review critical case material with our AI infused technology delivering up to 99.31% accuracy. Reduce time required and number of resources by up to 50%. Adding RecordBoss to your claims reviews process delivers improved results across your organization.

Automated Billing Summaries

By utilizing RecordBosses superior data capture and its ability to link to all the major medical databases (AMA, CDC, FDA, etc.), RecordBoss can quickly and accurately identify billing codes. We can then capture all the relevant data, export it to an excel spreadsheet and total the amounts. This is a huge time and cost-saving report that can save hundreds of hours a month. All with higher accuracy results.